Though genetics play a major role in how we age, there is still a lot we can do to continue staying youthful, well into our 40s and 50s. There are various types of food that especially help your maintain your firm skin, sparking eyes, strong teeth and nails, and glossy hair. While it is essential that we get all the vitamins and minerals from our food, it is equally important to get lean protein, fat and carbohydrates. Fat helps maintain the elasticity of the skin, thus making it look younger. In this category, white meat and fish can be selected over red meat. It is also important to get your daily micro-nutrients, i.e. , such as antioxidants and phytochemicals. “Phytochemicals are chemical compounds such as beta-carotene that occur naturally in plants.” It is very important that the food we buy and consume is fresh and organic in nature. Organic food is grown without the use of preservatives, chemicals, artificial colors and pesticides. Another important factor is to buy food that is unprocessed, unbleached and unrefined. Unprocessed and unrefined food contain preservatives that can be very unhealthy to our body if consumed regularly over a period of time.
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