The Enemy Within

Stress and tension are one of the worst diseases known to mankind. They are not only known to cause terminal diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, but affect all the aspects (physical, mental and spiritual) of the human life. We all know that stress causes skin problems like acne and that constantly being stressed makes us look dull and older. But until recently there was no scientific evidence to link the mind induced emotions to the body. Scientists used biological markers to stimulate stress and the relation of the body to conclude that a month’s of continuous stress can setback a person’s appearance by almost one year. Stress is known to cause skin wrinkles and is also known to cause skin diseases such as eczema. Stress also causes anxiety which triggers our receptors for food. Thus, if you’ve ever gotten through a huge pack of ice-cream in anxiety, know that is probably induced by stress.


If you are a woman, who wants to preserve her beauty to the maximum length possible, then exercise is your daily drinking foundation. It is by far, the best technique to stay healthy and beautiful. Exercise has so many restorative properties, that if you exercise regularly, you can find the beauty you never imagined. Just make exercise your daily priority and have fun while doing it with dedication and hard work. The more you exercise the healthier and beautiful you will become. You have to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle and get that heart beat up on a regular basis. I am not talking about going to the gym daily or running for an hour; simply brisk walking or cycling would do the trick. Other exercises such as aerobics, flexibility training, yoga, Pilates and Ta-Chi are great ways to staying young, fit and healthy. Just don’t forget to stretch and warm up those muscles before and after exercising. As you age, you will realize that your muscles need more time to warm up to these exercises. Stretching is a great way to get the most out of your workouts and is also a good means to avoid sports injuries.

Staying Beautiful Forever

A recent study conducted in the United States revealed that men find women in their 30’s and 50’s equally attractive. Though this might sound untrue but when men were asked about naming the most beautiful women in the world, most men named Meryl Streep and Oprah Winfrey as the true beauties. Beauty is just not about looking good outside but also about feeling good inside. Aishwarya Rai, who is also considered as the world’s most beautiful woman is not respected only for her physical looks. The mind and how a woman presents herself with confidence and wisdom is indeed truly beautiful to a man. Though the women mentioned here take exceptional care of their physical appearances and presentation, it is no doubt that these people are powerful, independent and influential women. Beauty is based on our perception and those that are not naturally gifted with outter beauty can always find the true beauty within.

Food For Beautiful Skin

Though genetics play a major role in how we age, there is still a lot we can do to continue staying youthful, well into our 40s and 50s. There are various types of food that especially help your maintain your firm skin, sparking eyes, strong teeth and nails, and glossy hair. While it is essential that we get all the vitamins and minerals from our food, it is equally important to get lean protein, fat and carbohydrates. Fat helps maintain the elasticity of the skin, thus making it look younger. In this category, white meat and fish can be selected over red meat. It is also important to get your daily micro-nutrients, i.e. , such as antioxidants and phytochemicals. “Phytochemicals are chemical compounds such as beta-carotene that occur naturally in plants.” It is very important that the food we buy and consume is fresh and organic in nature. Organic food is grown without the use of preservatives, chemicals, artificial colors and pesticides. Another important factor is to buy food that is unprocessed, unbleached and unrefined. Unprocessed and unrefined food contain preservatives that can be very unhealthy to our body if consumed regularly over a period of time.

Beauty Guidelines - Part 2

Everybody looks better with a bronze or reddish tan. But why go to the parlor for a spray on. Just slap that SPS 30 cream on yourself and get tanned, the old natural way; under the sun.

Avoid frowning and making faces all the time. If you don’t believe me, ask your mom. Your face could stick that way.
I’m just going to come out and say this one. DON’T SMOKE. It’s just going to give you wrinkles and poor looking skin and yellow teeth. Oh, not to mention, cancer!
I drink a little wine occasionally but I would have to say, try to avoid alcohol as much as possible. It just dehydrates you.
Antioxidants in food can be a girl’s best friend. So try to eat them as well as drink them. Now you know why I drink wine occasionally!

Beauty Guidelines - Part 1

Well, let’s get down to business. There are some general guidelines I personally follow to maintain my beauty regime. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, but these guidelines will nevertheless apply to most of us.
Try not washing your hair more than once a day. In doing so, you tend to reduce the presence of natural oil in your hair, thus by making it look dry and dull.
Always use a sunscreen with the SPF30 Formula. More importantly, apply this cream not only when you sunbathe but also when you simply go under the sun in high temperatures.
Just like your mouth, try to wash and clean your face every night, before you go to bed. Make this a daily habit and I promise you that your skin will look younger over time and go through less degeneration.

What's Out There?

There are thousands of beauty products out there and an average girl who loves makeup, hair care, skin care and perfumes can’t just try all of them. Well, she would like to; just to know which one is really the best. There are also many beauty books written by experts through research and experience but none of us really have the time to read those books. What we are looking for are quick and accurate steps that can help us look our best before we head out to work or simply start our day. Because let’s face it sisters, we always want to look our best. In this blog, I will use all my experience over the last decade, to share some of the most insightful information on staying beautiful in the simplest and quickest manner. I will also include some tips and guidelines that will allow you to follow some basic principles in taking care of yourselves. SO, no more dry–oily hair, no more oil T – zoned and no more dull looking skin.